Green Tea Burns Fat
Food (including sugar and fat) is synthesized into a substance called “triglyceride” in the liver and small intestine. It is then carried into the bloodstream to other tissues in the body.
Triglyceride is used as source of energy for life support and activities. The problem arises when there are excess amounts of triglyceride, because then they are turned into fat which subsequently causes obesity.
That’s where green tea comes in. It contains high amounts of polyphenols which activate the enzyme that is responsible for dissolving excess triglyceride. In the long run, this means that green tea effectively aids in burning fat and preventing the storage of fat from triglycerides.
Green Tea Stimulates the Metabolism & Accelerates Weight Loss
Green tea contains powerful antioxidants called catechin polyphenols that are responsible for many of the health benefits of green tea. One of them called epigallocatechin gallate (or EGCG for short), has been found to stimulate the metabolism and accelerate weight loss.

Green Tea Helps You Exercise Longer
Everybody knows how important exercise is to weight loss. It burns calories, increases energy levels, and builds muscle which in turn boosts your metabolism even more.The catechin polyphenols in green tea appear to stimulate the use of fatty acids by liver and muscle cells. This subsequently reduces the rate that carbohydrates are used and allows for more endurance and longer exercise times. In fact, a study using green tea extract on lab rats increased the amount of time the animals could swim before becoming exhausted by as much as 24%.
More endurance means more exercise, which means more calories burned, and it all adds up to more kilograms lost for you.