Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Summer weight loss tips for women

Summer is almost here, and whether you are working towards a bikini body or trying to lose a few kilos here are some essential natural tips to help you get results!

  1. Drink Green tea liberally, it helps to burn fat and suppress hunger
  2. Outwait your food cravings. They generally do not last longer then 10 minutes
  3. Distract yourself with a nonfood related activity, such as exercising, reading, pursuing a favorite hobby, listening to music, writing letters, surfing the internet (like you are now) or soaking in a hot bath
  4. Spice up your meals with red pepper, which boosts your metabolism
  5. Aim to consume 25-35 grams of fibre a day, to maintain healthy bowel movement and prevent bloating
  6. Eat at least 2 servings of fish a week for healthy fats and omega3 fatty acids which help your body to burn fat
  7. If you get hungry in between your meals eat a few grams of lean protein to tide you over till your next meal
  8. Try no to let yourself get bored, stressed out or depressed, if possible because it can lead to eating unhealthily. Try yoga, meditation, and herbs such as kava and ginseng for stress. Regular exercise, journaling and supplements such as fish, St. Johns wort and 5-HTP can help alleviate depression.
  9. Don't drink fruit juices or juice-based products while "dieting". Get your nutrition from calories you chew rather then swallow
  10. Freeze strawberries and other berries. They take longer to eat and provide a candy-like treat or Drizzle sugar-free syrup over cooked carrots for a sweet treat

 Contact me for more tips eating plans and supplement advice.

Friday, 26 August 2011

Why Functional training?

Functional training originates from rehabilitation training. Injured athletes and training individuals once  injured must go through rehabilitation training with a physiotherapist or Biokinetisist, where they were given exercises that mimic their daily activities and motions. Therse functional exercises aim to strengthen the specific muscles used to perform specific tasks, eg lifting a box from the floor and placing it on a high shelf.
The word "function" has a specific meaning in the context of physical training and conditioning
Put simply, function refers to the movement of your body through space in ordinary daily life. Functional exercise recreates and strengthens the way your body executes daily physical activities and stores those functions in your muscle memory.
Functional exercise recruits multiple muscle groups all at the same time, synergistically, and allows you to work out more productively. functional training challenges the stabilizer muscles of the abdomen and back and incorporates multi-plane movement and unrestricted range of motion in every exercise. The result is a full body workout that increases functional strength and performance.
When you increase your functional strength—as opposed to linear or brute strength—you experience improved coordination, balance and stability. You move about with greater ease and less effort.

The benefits of functional training are:

  • One burns more calories as more muscles are activated during the movements compared to training on machines which only isolate 1 or 2 muscle groups. Functional training exercises usually use every muscle in the body.
  • Improved core strength and stability, Functional training places much emphasis on the core muscles as you have these muscles are engaged durning all of the movements. This core activation leads to improved posture and balance as well as shaping and trimming the waist.
  • Functional training is very effective for improving specific movements in athletes eg Golfers and tennis players can be trained with cables, and practice their exact sporting movements and thereby strengthening those specific muscles and improving performance.
  • Improved mind/muscle co-ordination

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

4 Essential Supplements for weight training beginners

Many people start a weight training program without any knowledge on supplements and the major impacts they have on achieving results and boosting natural performance.  When starting a weight training program it is essential to provide the body with the building blocks, training fuels and vitamins and minerals to see results and maintain a healthy immune system. Any person who neglects to provide their body with the correct nutrients when on a high impact weight training program runs the risk of straining the immune system and risks injury. Here are my top 5 essentials:

1) Protein

Proteins are made up of amino acids which are the building blocks of all cells in the body, including muscle tissue. Weight training breaks down muscle fibres which need to be rebuilt, athletes who want to gain weight should ingest at least 2.2 grams of protein per kg of bodyweight daily.

Protein supplements provide a quick and effective way of ingesting the required amount of protein. Studies show that protein should be ingested within 60mins of completion of exercise for maximum benefit, to keep the body in a anabolic state and to promote muscle growth.


L- glutamine is the most abundant amino acid found in muscle cells, it is released from the muscle during stress eg. heavy weight training and dieting.

Benefits of L- glutamine:

  • Anti - catabolic agent, which reduces the effects of cortisol on the muscle, preventing muscle breakdown.
  • Has cell volumising properties, increases bloodflow to the muscle tissue during training allowing more nutrients to flow to the muscle and increasing physical performance.
  • Regulation of protein synthesis, thereby promoting muscle growth.
  • Boosts the immune system
  • Promotes faster recovery from strenuos workouts.
Glutamine is cheap and effective, no athlete should train without it!

3) Multi-Vitamins

Multivitimins are the foundation of a good supplement program, exercise places strain on the human body which may result in a deficiency of essencial vitamins/minerals in the body which will affect the immune and metablic systems.

For the human body to complete all the tasks it has in a normal day, it must be given a wide and complex variety of vital nutrients. Becoming deficient in any one of these essential minerals and vitamins causes  a decrease in physical performance.Obviously, this is NOT what you want!

Making sure you take a high-potency Vitamin/mineral formula may help ensure the presence of those essential nutrients necessary for thousands of metabolic reactions.
Bodybuilders, athletes, and people that lead active lifestyles need even more nutrients than the average non-active person. So if you think that just grabbing the first one you see on the shelf is going to work for you, think again.

A high potency multi vitamin for athletes is recommended, preferably one that comes from a respected supplement company...... not just any vitamin!\


If you don't fish at least three times a week, you'll be deficient in omega-3 fatty acids. Studies suggest that's the case with about 80 percent of people. Since the brain is composed of 40 percent DHA, one of the omega-3s, a long-term lack may cause aberrations in brain neurotransmitter function, resulting in depression and aggression.


  • Helps relieve sore joints and muscles
  • Anti Inflamatory agent, reducing muscle inflammation
  • Helps with reduce body fat storage

Get Results with these basic supps!

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Top supplements that help reduce high blood pressure

Although exercise, not smoking, and weight management are the most effective ways to control high blppd pressure, there are a number of natural supplements which are proven to lower blood pressure. These supplements are available at a fraction of the cost of pharmaceutical drugs and are safer and provide almost no side effects.


 Arginine is an amino acid that plays a vital role in normal body functions, but it is also a powerful tool in the fight against high blood pressure, in addition to it lowering blood pressure Arginine is also scientifically proven to be helpful against type 2 diabetis and sexual dysfunction in both males and females.

L-arginine produces Nitric Oxide(NO) in the human body, NO causes vasodilation of the blood vessels thereby allowing more blood to flow more freely thoughout the body. NO is such an important molecule that the 1998 Nobel Prize in Medicine was given to three scientists for their pioneering research on its role in human physiology.

Arginine Reduces Blood Pressure in Healthy individuals
More and more studies are being published showing the beneficial effects of arginine supplementation on blood pressure. A recent study in Italy examined blood pressure changes among six healthy male volunteers who were placed on three different diets.2 The first diet consisted of foods that contained 3 to 4 grams of arginine per day. The second diet was high in arginine-rich foods (nuts and legumes), so that these volunteers consumed about 10 grams of arginine daily. The third diet was the same as the first, except for the addition of 10 grams of supplemental arginine daily.

After only one week, the men on both diets 2 and 3 registered significant decreases in blood pressure compared to those on diet 1. Interestingly, a statistically significant reduction in blood glucose (blood sugar) was also seen in the men on diet 2 or diet 3. ."

Arginine Reduces Blood Pressure in Type 2 Diabetics
People who suffer from diabetes have an increased risk for developing coronary artery disease, of which high blood pressure is often a significant component. Scientists are now looking at how arginine might help people with diabetes, in terms of both reducing their blood pressure and helping their bodies use insulin more efficiently.
A recent study examined the effects on blood pressure when arginine was given to six patients with type 2 (age-related) diabetes and hypertension.3 They received 3 grams of arginine every hour for 10 hours on either day 2 or day 3 of the study. On both of these days, their blood pressure was monitored for the same 10 hours. The results showed that the patients' systolic and diastolic pressures were significantly reduced only 2 hours after they started taking arginine.

  1. Calvert, JF. Cardiovascular disease and hypertension. Clinics Fam Pract 2001;3(4):733-56.
  2. Siani A, Pagano E, Iacone R, et al. Blood pressure and metabolic changes during dietary L-arginine supplementation in humans. Am J Hyperten 2000;13:547-51.
  3. Huynh NT, Tayek JA. Oral arginine reduces systemic blood pressure in type 2 diabetes: its potential role in nitric oxide generation. J Am Coll Nutr 2002;5:422-7.
  4. Piatti P, Monti LD, Vilsecchi G, et al. Long-term oral L-arginine administration improves peripheral and hepatic insulin sensitivity in type 2 diabetic patients. Diab Care 2001;24:875-80.


In addition to increasing libido amd naturally increasing the production of testosterone in the human body, tribulis also has properties that help lower blood pressure.

According to a scientific study published in " Life Sciences", tribulus was proven to lower blood pressure.

Researchers measured the activity of tribulus on levels of ACE, an enzyme that helps constrict blood vessels and promote fluid retention, which raises blood pressure. The study concluded that consuming tribulus decreases ACE activity, which lowers blood pressure in rats.


3) Co ENZYME Q10

There is some evidence that the supplement CoQ10 may help to reduce high blood pressure. A 12 week double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of 83 people with systolic hypertension examined the effect of CoQ10 supplements (60 mg twice daily). After the 12 weeks, there was a mean reduction in systolic blood pressure of 17.8 mm Hg in the Coq10-treated group.

Another study conducted at the University of Western Australia looked at the effect of CoQ10 on blood pressure and glycemic control in 74 people with type 2 diabetes. Participants were randomly assigned to receive either 100mg CoQ10 twice daily, 200mg of the drug fenfibrate, both, or neither for 12 weeks.

CoQ10 significantly reduced systolic and diastolic blood pressure(mean reduction 6.1 mm Hg and 2.9 mm Hg respectively). There was also a reduction in HbA1C, a marker for long-term glycemic control.


Folate is a B vitamin necessary for the formation of red blood cells. It may help to lower high blood pressure, in One small study of 24 cigarette smokers found that four weeks of folic acid supplementation significantly lowered blood pressure.


As a personal trainer i know that excercise and living a healthy balanced lifestyle are essential for maintaining a healthy blood pressure and overall health.

*These natural blood pressure aid supplements are not intended to cure the disease, but they will definitly improve the condition and improve overall physical performance.

*Individuals with high blood pressure should first consult a doctor before commencing with an exercise program.

Hypertension is the silent killer. know your blood pressure status!

Friday, 19 August 2011

Carb Cycling To Maximise Fat Loss

Carbohydrates are used as energy by the body; they fuel our workouts, as well as providing ample fuel to be used throughout the course of the day. Ingesting carbs also replenishes our glucose and glycogen stores to prevent fatigue. Carb cycling allows you to still eat carbs from clean sources, without adding body fat, and cycling enables you to better utilize fat for burning as fuel, as opposed to burning carbs and muscle tissue for fuel.

Cycling Carbs!
What we do when we cycle carbs in the manner that I advise, is to have three low carb days, followed by two higher carb days, to aid in recovery, and to replenish glycogen. This gives us just the right amount of carbs to be used as fuel without becoming an excessive amount. Always use carbs from clean foods not junk foods of course. The most important thing about carb cycling, in my opinion, is too never go too high throughout the diet. What I recommend as a starting point, to determine just how many carbs you should eat on your highest day, is to eat 1 to 1.5 grams of carbs per pound of bodyweight. Start out using the latter number and adjust according to your results. I strongly suggest that you keep a nutrition journal when cycling carbs to be able to chart progress and make adjustments during the diet. This takes the guesswork out of dieting, and can also be looked back upon in the future to see how the body responded to certain tactics, and is an invaluable tool.

Do not count fibrous vegetables into your total carb count for the day. They are low in calories and carbs and are a good source of fiber and do not count in the scheme of things while carb cycling. Only count starchy complex carbs. Some tweaking will of course be necessary for most, as some of us are a bit more “carb sensitive” than others. Activity level, training intensity level, age, as well as sex, will determine how much you will need to adjust things, but as a rule I have found that 200 grams of carbs as your highest amount, is a good place to start. After a time you can decide whether you want to raise them a bit, or lower them, based on your results, and your body’s feedback. It is a good practice to try this technique well in advance of your contest to sort of “learn” your body, and how it responds to this procedure.
Below is an example of my 5-day carb cycling method using 200 grams of carbs as the highest amount on a high day.
  • Day-1: 150 grams
  • Day-2: 100 grams
  • Day-3: 50 grams
  • Day-4: 125 grams
  • Day-5: 200 grams
Repeat cycle as written, throughout the course of the diet.
Essentially what I do is drop 50 grams of carbs over the course of the first 3 days, then increase by 75 grams, for the next two days. Some people prefer to raise fat intake on the lower carb days, or to increase fats on their off training days, to make up for the lost calories on the lower carb days. You can do this if you choose to, but I find it interferes with the fat burning process as fat is a calorie dense macronutrient that is needed by the body, but builds no muscle. I also believe that without the fat increase you will burn more fat as fuel on the low carb days, especially when training hard, dieting and doing cardiovascular workouts. Besides as far as calories go, protein and carbs are not calorie dense and you must be in a calorie deficit to lose body fat for a lengthy period of time such as a 16 week contest prep diet or just a fat loss diet for the fitness enthusiast, no matter if he or she competes or not.
Another way you can also accomplish this is to go to zero carbs for 3 days and 3 days only. This will accomplish the same thing as the 3-4 high carb days or the “cheats.” This is the only time to take fibrous vegetables into consideration, as no carbs whatsoever should be ingested during the 3 zero carb days.
Do not stay at zero carbs for any longer than 3 days, and never go below 50 carbs as your lowest amount, throughout the entire length of the diet other than the occasional zero carb 3 day period. Any lower, and the brain suffers, and thinking becomes cloudy, as the brain needs a certain amount of carbs to function optimally.

Complex Carbs!

These are the best sources of clean carbs to use when dieting in general, and when cycling carbs:
  • Baked Potatoes
  • Yams
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Brown Rice
  • Oatmeal
  • Cream Of Wheat

CLA - Conjugated linoleic acid

CLA(conjugated linoleic acid) is a potent antioxidant, which is scientifically proven to help improve lipid profiles and enhance overall health. CLA is a naturally occurring free fatty acid found mainly in meat and dairy products. To the athlete looking to add more muscle and drop body fat, CLA is a unique discovery that will make accomplishing this feat easier and faster, all the while having positive effects on immune function and antioxidant status, as well as cholesterol lowering effects. 

Supplementation of 4.2grams of CLA per day has been scientifically proven to reduce abdominal fat in obeses middle aged men. So Supplementation of CLA should be considered in all cases where individuals suffer from high blood pressure and high cholesterol as it does not affect the heart rate, it will not further increase blood pressure during training.

The benefits of CLA supplementation:

  • Decreases abdominal fat
  • Reduces fat and preserves muscle tissue
  • Improves cholesterol levels
  • Anti-oxidant properties
  • Improves immune system
  • Contains anti-diabetic properties
  • Proven cancer fighter
This inexpensive natural supplement should not be left out of your health and well being arsenal!